
Sample Management for the laboratory ASTRA (advanced structure analysis) Institute of Physics, Cukrovarnická 10, 162 00 Prague, Czech Republic

Head of the facility: Michal Dusek (dusek@fzu.cz)


I forgot my password.

COFUND project Physics for Future : Postdoctoral fellowships at the Institute of Physics, Prague, offer training in various disciplines including crystallography.


Single-crystal diffractometer Gemini

Responsible: Michal Dusek, dusek@fzu.cz

Powder diffractometer Empyrean

Responsible: Jan Rohlicek, rohlicek@fzu.cz

This web page is a preferred way to exchange information about measured samples and manuscripts under preparation. When you rise a question, you trigger an e-mail alerts to the person responsible for your samples. Thus sending e-mails directly to the staff of our lab is no longer necessary, except the initial e-mail requesting the measurement.

How to request measurement:

1) You don’t have an account in this web page:

- Send an e-mail to Michal Dusek (dusek@fzu.cz)

- Wait for reply. In case of accepted request, your account will be created and your credentials will be sent to you by e-mail

- Log in to your account and complete requested information about your samples

- Send the samples by mail

2) You have an account in this web page:

- Log in to your account and type you request

- Wait for reply. You will be informed through this web page (with an e-mail alert to you) about accepting or rejection of your request.

- In case of accepting, log in to your account and complete requested information about your samples

- Send the samples by mail